Head of an international NGO responsible for many successful investment projects, and the man behind Nayshall's present prosperity. Has a beloved cat named Cybele.

Hates: Stains on his clothes, sleep

Likes: Chess puzzles, cleaning, local cuisines

Height: 6'3

Weight: 214 lbs

  • Grom Strelka(2)

  • M Triglav

  • Forward Dash

  • M Torbalan

  • Bylina

  • Grom Strelka(1)

  • Zilant Mid

  • H Departure

  • Departure: Shadow

  • Embrace

  • OD Torbalan

  • Backward Dash

  • Zilant

  • OD Amnesia

  • OD H Triglav

  • Tornado

  • Cancel Drive Rush

  • Zilant Low

  • H Stribog

  • OD L Departure

  • OD M Departure

  • SA2 Lovushka

  • CA Interdiction

  • Drive Parry

  • H Triglav

  • OD L Triglav

  • OD Stribog

  • OD Embrace

  • Drive Reversal: Exilio

  • OD M Triglav

  • M Departure

  • SA3 Interdiction

  • Parry Drive Rush

  • M Stribog

  • Uragan

  • Perfect Parry (strike)

  • SA1 Chornobog

  • OD H Departure

  • Departure: Window

  • H Torbalan

  • L Triglav

  • L Stribog

  • Drive Impact: Espada

  • Malice

  • L Departure

  • Ravina

  • Perfect Parry (projectile)

  • Guillotinna

  • Amnesia

  • L Torbalan